Let’s face it, nobody wants to talk about mold. From that gross slime in the kitchen drain to
spots on the bathroom walls or on your basement tile, household mold is pretty disgusting.
Beyond being unsightly, indoor mold can be dangerous and make you and your loved ones very
sick. Whether you’re asthmatic, suffer from seasonal allergies, or have any other health issues,
mold can create an unhealthy living environment and should be dealt with right away. Here’s
some useful information about mold and how to deal with it.
What is mold?
In short, it’s a fungus that develops in microscopic filaments. Mold spores are
everywhere—floating in the air outdoors and indoors. They thrive in moist environments, which
is why you’re likely to find it in kitchens, basements, and restrooms most frequently.
Unfortunately, it can also prosper in your HVAC evaporator coils, ductwork, and drip pans.
Unchecked, this becomes a serious problem, spreading airborne mold throughout your home,
making your family sick. Regular cleaning and maintenance can eradicate these issues, but
most homeowners are too busy to stay on top of such things. We get it, and we’re here to help.
What’s the big deal?
Breathing in or coming into physical contact with mold causes allergic reactions such as red
eyes, rashes, and respiratory issues including shortness of breath. It can make life absolutely
miserable for folks with asthma, the elderly, or anyone with immune system issues. Sadly, daily
exposure to mold can cause brain issues or even lead to death.
How do I check for mold in my HVAC system?
Schedule regular mold checks on your calendar and walk through your home or office
inspecting for signs of trouble. Take a look at all drip pans, visible ductwork, and furnace filters.
Notice any clogged drains, damp spots, or pooling condensation around the AC components?
The key is to not create a habitat where mold can survive. Notice any funky scents? If mold is
growing in a hidden area, it’ll give off a strong, unpleasant mildew odor. If you turn your HVAC
system off and the scent goes away, try turning it on 10-15 minutes later. If the mildew aromas
come back, you’ve got a mold issue inside of your cooling and heating setup. It’s time to call in
the professionals.
It’s not worth gambling when it comes to the health and safety of your loved ones. Even if you
don’t see or smell any red flags, having your HVAC system cleaned and set up on a regular
maintenance program is the safest way to go. If you or anyone you know has any questions or
concerns about mold inside the home, give us a call at (253) 208-5315. We’ve served the
Greater Puget Sound region for over 35 years, and we look forward to serving you.